About me...

Hello! My name is Adung, and I am an 18 months old orangutan. 

I live in Tanjung Harapan, part of Tanjung Puting National Park in Kalimantan, Borneo (Indonesia). 

When I was six months old my mum was killed by poachers who then took me away to sell me in the market. Shortly after, I was found by a doctor who took me to Tanjung Harapan, a clinic for orphans just like me. Harapan is Indonesian and means "hope".
Name: Adung
Age: 18 months
Sex: Male
There are a lot of other young orangutans here, although most of them are older than me. They appear to be very close friends with one another as they always hang out together and venture out into the forest.

I have not been to the forest yet. I still have got a lot to learn. My new mum (she does not look like me at all, actually) lifts me onto a tree branch every morning. I think she wants me to climb around but it is very hard work! Once I fell down. The branch I was holding on just snatched. I don't remember much. Apparently, I passed out and stopped breathing, but a veterinarian came and resuscitated me.

I have also got a friend at the moment. She is called Lady. Every night my mum puts us into our little bedroom where we sleep. I have got a little blanket that I curl up into but I feel very lonely. If it was not for the poachers I would have still been with my mum for many years to come...

© 2000 - S. Dempster
© 2000 - wmccabe62
© 2000 - wmccabe62
© 2000 - S. Dempster
© 2000 - M. Hofmann
© 2000 - S. Dempster